Page 1: Quick feedback survey

This is an anonymous survey which will help The Library to engage, develop and improve their information skills courses for the benefit of researchers.

2.2. Where did you first hear about this course?

This part of the survey uses a table of questions, 

3.3. Please select whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Please don't select more than 1 answer(s) per row.

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
The content of the course is well designed
The course has improved my skills in this area
I would recommend this course to others
4.4. Do you think you would need further instruction in this area?

This part of the survey uses a table of questions, 

5.5. How do you think thisĀ course couldĀ be best delivered in future?

Please don't select more than 1 answer(s) per row.

YesNoNot sure
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